富贵集团的殡葬产品特色,是完全可以自由转让,您既可以为自己购买富贵山庄的风水福地,也可以买给您的亲人使用,避免亲人承受过度的压力,方便亲人处理治 丧事宜。富贵山庄所提供的各类型风水福地,以设计精美雅致,让您心无牵挂著称。富貴山莊世外桃源,更是千年難求,規劃現代化的風水福地。NV Multi is fully transferable and comprehensive Bereavement Care Products, such as the burial plots are carefully designed exit solutions which you can use for yourself or for any of your family members to relieve emotional and financial stress during the pivotal moments of a bereavement. The burial plots which come in different sizes and zones are blessed with excellent feng shui and outstanding landscaping.
Nirvana is featured with its outstanding landscaping, lush greenery, beautiful flora and contemporary sculpture, thereby the burial plot is a place with peacefulness atmosphere for the resting of the departed loved ones. Splendidly designed with garden style memorial park, Nirvana comes with a variety of burial plots choices, which family plots, double plots, single plots are all featured with different tomb designs located at good Fengshui land.
The Nirvana Memorial Parks have burial plots catering to the needs for the Buddhists, Taoists, Christian, Catholic etc.