





  • 生基改运  -  感受天地之灵气不断加持本身,以改命运。
  • 奉吉避凶  -  身体被百病纠缠着透过生基,可以得到解脱。
  • 财富倍增  -  透过生基改造人生累积财富。
  • 快速改运  -  若一生歹运缠身,未能出头者,也可透过生基改造命运。 

Pre-need Tomb   生基风水
It comes with numerous blessings for all. In the ancient Chinese utilized the concept of ” pre-need Tomb ” to change their pre-destined fare and fortune.

What is Pre-need Tomb?
Pre-need Tomb is literally means ” the foundation of life ” which the people erect their grace tomb in advance while they still alive. Pre-need Tomb reversed hapless lot into prosperous fate by blending the energy of 5-element and characters related the one’s date of birth and the geographical magnetic force with one’s meritorious deeds. In Chinese, Pre-need Tomb is also called ” Sheng Ji ”
Benefits of Pre-need Tomb Erection    
The customers live on today and Chinese in Malaysia are fond of making use of principle of ” Sheng Ji ” to help evoke blessings of achievements, longevity, and prosperity upon themselves and families. The whole idea is by erecting pre-need tomb; one’s bad destiny is reversed and is turned into a prosperous one.
  • Abundant blessing to health and longevity.     
  • Bring luck and fortunes in career and family.   
  • Wealth and prosperity to next generations.      
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